Support my birthday fundraiser this year!
We would like this party to not only celebrate birthdays, friends and life achievements but also to help fundraise for The Smith Family.
In lieu of gifts, please donate to this important cause that I am so passionate about. Not everyone gets a privileged start to life but every child deserves a chance to succeed and achieve their potential. We would love to help this incredible charity support children in need with their education. A little help can go a long way and by doing so, you can support the 1 in 6 Australian children experiencing educational inequality through poverty, helping them to thrive now and into their futures.
Your donation will make a life-changing difference. What better gift could I ask for!?
All donations of $2 or more will receive a tax-deductible receipt via email.
Thank you for supporting us as friends and colleagues during our time in Oz - our lives would not be this incredible without you all being part of our journey.
Thank you to my Supporters

Rob And Anma

Wadjemup Anaesthesia
Lovely cause Lisa. Sarah & mark


Karen Quinlan
Great cause guys. Thank you for a fabulous evening. So much to celebrate and be grateful for!

Congratulations Lisa on your amazing achievements with your beautiful family. Here’s to many more celebrations in the future xx

Happy birthday, welcome to Australia, congratulations on your house (and all the amazing things you’ve both done in the past 4 years, the list is impressively long!!!) and… yay to gorgeous friends!

Sophie And Francisco
Thank you for inviting us to help you celebrate all your achievements in Australia. We are lucky to have you here.

Simon And Kate
Many happy returns you two! Love the charity pressie!

Lisa Taylor

Happy Forties, Lisa!! Up to many more fun times in Perth! We’re very excited to celebrate with you!! Céline and Philip xx

Family is everything. We are so happy to be part of yours